Common Question Glossary

Are you interested in working privately with me as your self-care coach, but you still have questions and concerns? Let me help! The information below will put your mind at ease and give you the confidence to say yes to improving your emotional and mental well-being, and overall, greatly improve your quality of life through 1:1 coaching with me. If you find yourself with a more specific question that isn’t addressed on this page, I’m always just an email away, and more than happy to help answer what’s on your mind. I’m glad you’re here, and I look forward to being your self-care coach.

What is self-care?
  • Daily rituals and emotional and mental wellness practices that are unique to you, and only you, that address your personal wants, needs, and desires 

  • Repetitive actions we intentionally choose to participate in that better us––and provide daily grounding and balancing 

  • Leading to your ultimate expansion, higher self-worth, increased self-love, and the ability to gracefully accept emotions and thoughtfully regulate your responses.

By creating the space to hold your consistently practiced daily rituals, and emotional and mental wellness practices, you will receive a welcome, predictable, grounding rhythm that is reassuring, calming, and stabilizing.

Is self-care coaching like therapy?

Self-care coaching is similar in some ways to therapy sessions because it’s a personal journey of inner-reflection, self-discovery, expansion, and increasing self-awareness––but working privately with a self-care coach elevates the experience because it’s a thoughtful partnership with a clear action plan (and customized tool kit), in place with a commitment to self-motivation (from me and you), activated towards embracing change and welcoming your goals in the present and future. 

While therapy sessions can be life changing, self-care coaching can also be life changing––it is a creative partnership––laser focused on solutions designed to move you forward. It is my job and my passion to inspire, motivate you, and hold you accountable; you also will have direct access to me via email for additional support needed in between coaching sessions, which is not common when working with a therapist. It’s a powerful modality and smart investment in yourself, to help you improve, flourish, develop, and implement new skills and tools to gracefully manage your life more effectively, live mindfully, and be happier in your wise mind and soul.

What is a self-care coach exactly?

A self-care coach emotionally educates and supports their clients in achieving their personal goals pertaining to their emotional and mental wellness needs, wants, and desires. This is  done through lifestyle and behavioral upgrades including new daily rituals, and emotional and mental wellness practices. 

I believe anything in your heart is possible, and making a conscious choice to change your personal habits will change your life for the better. I know it’s true, because I did it for myself. I’m here to be your guiding light, and I will champion you every step of the way along your self-discovery journey.

Who can book a self-care coaching session?

Absolutely anyone and everyone is welcome to book a private session with me. I work with clients in New York City and around the world. If you feel more comfortable scheduling a complimentary 15-minute Introduction Call beforehand to confirm that we will make an excellent partnership, and self-care coaching is the best modality for you and your current goals, you can easily schedule your 15-minute Introduction Call through my online diary.

Can I schedule an in-person self-care coaching session?

Currently, all appointments are conducted via Zoom, which also makes me more accessible to wherever you are––NY, NY and Worldwide, and 15-minute Introduction Calls are conducted by a simpler method, the telephone.

What self-care topics do you coach?

I specialize in self-care coaching for women and men––in elevating your self-worth, reclaiming personal love, re-harnessing your power, and gracefully navigating stress management.

Your private, 1:1 coaching sessions will help you discover how to:

  • Get clarity on your current emotional state; identify obstacles; and define goals

  • Identify and process limiting beliefs and behaviors; reprogram mindset; and release toxic thinking and non-serving habits

  • Establish the tools you need to love and take care of yourself fully and authentically; embrace empathy and compassion for yourself; and re-affirm your self-worth

  • Establish healthy boundaries to achieve healthy relationships

  • Build and increase emotional resilience through emotional regulation skills; employ distress tolerance; and strengthen your personal power

  • Learn to identify emotions and embrace sitting with them; be present, grounded, and balanced in the moment mindfully; and choose to respond with thoughtful intent

  • Take greater responsibility for actions; contribute and communicate more effectively and energetically; and work more productively with others, both personally and professionally 

  • Creatively apply your new thinking to old problems and challenges

  • Curate your customized plan of action and tool kit to achieve your personal goals

How are your self-care coaching sessions structured?

At the beginning of your first private session  (and every subsequent session), we will begin with a brief mindfulness meditation practice to ground your thoughts and body in the present moment to become fully attuned and aware of this luxurious 55-minutes that you’ve chosen to nurture and love yourself with, so first, we celebrate that. 

We will then walk through your New Client Coaching Admissions Inquiry form together.

Next, you can expect questions & conversation about your goals, challenges, problems––limiting beliefs––whatever your core reason(s) is/are for your visit, we will begin to dive into right away. And, each session will end with a short mindful exercise to give thanks and gratitude, and to hold space for yourself, and your personal well being.

Taking this step toward your own inner expansion is not always easy, and it’s important we thank ourselves for saying yes and for making the time to flourish. Each session will follow a similar flow, minus the client intake form review, instead, we will likely use that time to review expansion work or assignments that you’ve been given in between your coaching sessions. 

The goal of each session is to help you gain more clarity, find the root of what’s a current challenge, so I can provide you with a clear action plan, and give you the tools and skills you need to move forward. As your self-care coach, I will provide you with continuous support, thoughtful guidance, and I will hold you accountable on how we can best move through the work specific to you.

How should I prepare for my coaching sessions; is preparation needed?

No formal preparation is needed, unless there are specific expansion work assignments that have been given in between your coaching sessions. However, I do ask you to be mindfully aware during our time together. It’s important to me that you’re at your most comfortable during our 55-minutes together: dress in what’s comfortable for you, I encourage you to light a candle, incense, whatever is going to bring you most mindfully into the moment. Beverages and food on hand is also okay—sometimes digging deep works up an appetite—I support whatever is going to create the best environment for you. 

What can I expect from you as my self-care coach?
  • I will respect and hold your vision – even when the going gets tough and you lose sight of your goals, I never will. 

  • I will challenge you when needed – on old beliefs, habits and unserving behaviors that are often deeply-rooted.  Together, we will uncover the underlying reasons you’re stuck and establish a plan of action to create new goals and new helpful habits, daily rituals, and emotional and mental wellness practices.

  • I will support you – I’m on your team, and it’s my mission to offer you the guidance unique to you to see you succeed. I’ll champion you and support you every step of the way to the best of my self-care coaching ability.

  • I will be honest – even if it’s difficult or uncomfortable, I will always be authentic with you.

  • I will curate a tool kit unique to your wants, needs, and desires  – you’re an individual with individual needs, and I will share with you the right information and the right actions for you to honor your expansion for your present and future self.

  • I will make it fun – doing the work, going inward to choose growth and so much more can and will feel heavy at times, it’s part of the growth process, but I’m here to make this experience as memorable, expansive, and inspiring for you as I can.

What do you expect from me?
  • A commitment to change – showing up for weekly appointments is not enough. You have to commit to yourself to do the work and make it a daily practice and slowly incorporate it into your lifestyle, because it is just that, lifestyle choices you are making to better yourself and your life. I’m here for you, but it’s up to you to take responsibility for the outcome of your coaching journey with me.

  • A commitment to your appointments – be punctual, take the opportunities when we’re together seriously and be present in each session, and ask me questions if you’re confused, lost, or feeling overwhelmed. That’s what I’m here for, I want you to be real with me, so we can make the best use of our time together.

  • A commitment to your expansion work (homework) – if needed, and chances are, you will have homework, please do take responsibility for the mutually agreed upon action items after and in between each appointment. It’s often the greatest understanding, and light bulb moments of clarity that come to you when you’re on your own, thinking, journaling, etc., but it’s through the work outside of our appointments that stimulates this kind of growth and realizations.

  • A commitment to be honest – even if it’s difficult or uncomfortable (I will understand) because it’s in this challenging headspace that often the greatest changes happen when we decide to be honest with ourselves and our support system, so that I can better serve you and your needs.

  • A commitment to challenge yourself – playing it safe and in your comfort zone isn’t going to get you very far, but if you truly want to expand then it’s time to up your game, and do something different, something that perhaps you’ve never done before, and stretch beyond your comfort zone. You will be amazed at how the smallest of changes can make a BIG (life changing) difference. And, you being here right now, is already a step outside of your comfort zone, and in the right direction towards achieving greater growth and happiness. 

  • A commitment to have fun – this is your life, your health, your dreams, your desires, it’s your journey. Please enjoy it. There’s nothing I want more than for you to embrace it, to be present in the precious moments we have each day and to let loose, and have fun with it. Not everything will be or needs to be serious. Plus, laughing is good for you and your complexion.

I don’t have the time or energy for self-care coaching, let alone to change myself.

I understand your concern, it’s valid, but let me tell you from my own personal experiences––challenges, and daily struggles—it is, in fact, possible to create long-lasting change in your life by implementing small, incremental steps toward your unique goals. I work with you to identify and incorporate these small changes without “change” feeling too overwhelming to you and your current lifestyle. We will work together at your own pace and find a session time that works for you––and what tools and skills work best with your daily schedule. And, over time, these small changes will allow you to get to the heart of why you’ve been blocked, or are struggling, and together, we will create meaningful and lasting change to better your life, grounded, balanced, and happier in your wise mind.

Working privately with a personal self-care coach is expensive. Is it really worth it?

Yes, one hundred percent. Your happiness is worth it. Your personal growth and emotional development are worth it. Your peace of mind and clarity are worth it. Like going to the doctor, or visiting an acupuncturist, or belonging to a gym, seeing your facialist, or your hair colorist, perhaps, even your wardrobe stylist. Meeting with a self-care coach is a priceless investment in your present and future wellbeing, overall health, happiness, and greater, emotional expansion. Instead of only spending money on temporary distractions, such as shopping sprees, or over-indulging in cocktails, or even stress eating (which I can personally relate to and help you break free from this maladaptive coping mechanism), you can choose to make a choice to spend your money wisely on yourself and your honest to goodness happiness by directly choosing yourself and getting curious to explore and address your feelings surrounding your unique goals, wants, needs, and desires. Not only can I teach you, and you can learn the skills and tools you need to feel greater balance, grounding, and happiness in your wise mind and soul––you can also choose to share these newfound tools and skills with people, friends and family alike, that you love deeply, so they, too, can improve their lives. The more we can share with others, the greater impact we can make for the collective as a whole, and you, my dear, are worth it.

I’ve tried self-care coaching before and it didn’t work for me.

I fully understand. I’ve actually experienced this. Effective self-care coaching can only take place when you find the right self-care coach for your unique needs, and it’s truly a comfortable and inspired fit—it’s a creative collaboration, after all. Keep in mind, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to mapping out your self-care needs, and it takes a lot of trial and error when you’re beginning a self-care coaching program like this. You must allow for some wiggle room for both you and your coach to settle in and find their footing, and you may not have found the self-care coach or approach that works for you in the past. If that’s the case, I would love to speak with you about what didn’t work for you, so we can be sure not to repeat the same. In my complimentary 15-minute introduction call, we will determine if self-care coaching is for you and that we will make a great partnership together. If not, I will do my best to guide you to the correct resources to better serve your needs. I invite you to schedule your first coaching session or 15-minute introduction call using my virtual diary.

I’ve been a constant source of strength and help for others, so why do I want or need help now?

It’s okay to want or need help. And, it’s brave of you to be here taking this first step. It’s common to go through times in life when we need help––want greater clarity, or guidance reclaiming our personal love and power, or simply want to reach a new milestone and could use additional support in making that happen. And, in all honesty, one of the best indicators of our personal strength is in our ability and bravery to ask for and receive the support we want and need. I will offer you a safe, and confidential space where you can feel comfortable.

I’ve always been successful. I still am, so why don’t I feel empowered on my own now?

I hear you. It can be easy to get caught up in being successful, what success means, and what it can bring into your life and those in your life. Sometimes we can become clouded by our success and lose sight of our own unique needs, wants, and desires that stem from our authentic self, our beautiful, creative souls, and our intuition. I will help you find your footing, firming in the present moment, and we will mindfully tap into your authentic self again. Success can often bring added stress and pressure, and leave you feeling out of touch with who you are, and even the things you value. There is help and guidance available to you, and certainly hope and support from me. We can work together to understand why you are feeling the way you are, and what you can do now to make you feel authentically empowered again.

Confidentiality is important to me, do I have anything to be concerned about as a potential client?

Not at all. I respect you, and your privacy is critically important to me. Every coaching session and coachee relationship is completely confidential. I strive to create a safe space for brave souls like yourself to feel comfortable and fully at ease to be themselves and share freely. I am available to offer guidance and continuous support throughout your coaching journey––leading you to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

What’s your cancellation policy? May I reschedule my coaching session(s) if need be?

I do not accept cancellations, but I absolutely accept rescheduling. I fully understand life happens unexpectedly and schedules need to change sometimes. You can certainly reschedule your session. Please keep in mind, I intentionally hold a limited caseload to ensure that there is ample time and energy to plan accordingly for your coaching sessions, and to ensure that I can be fully focused on you and your needs. If you must reschedule, please note, you need to at least 48 hours prior to your originally scheduled session to rebook within the next two weeks of your originally scheduled coaching session, otherwise, you will be charged for your missed session regardless if it falls outside of the two week window. If you do not reschedule 48 hours in advance and can no longer make your session time, you will forfeit your session and you will be charged the full fee to the credit card on file. No-shows will also be charged the full coaching fee in addition to a no-show fee of $75.00 (charged to the credit card on file). I have a strict no-cancellation policy and no refunds will be provided, but you are always more than welcome to reschedule within the correct time frame if needed for another date within two weeks of your originally scheduled session. Thank you kindly for respecting my time and schedule.

More questions? I’m just an email away. You are worth the investment.